Picture of Tara Breslow
“Thanks Tara for always believing in me and making me feel like I was your only client. You made the impossible possible. Forever grateful.”

- Gabriel V.

Removal from Megan’s Law and Community Supervision for Life

Sex crime attorney Tara Breslow-Testa has been at the forefront of Removal from Megan’s Law since it was statutory available to New Jersey registrants. She has successfully removed a significant amount of individuals from Megan’s Law and CSL, previously PSL, throughout New Jersey, including in Monmouth, Ocean, Middlesex, Bergen, Essex, Morris, and Atlantic Counties. If you have been charged with a sex crime, contact an experienced Monmouth County defense lawyer now. We can help.

Megan's Law Removal 

Some lists are fun to be on: The VIP list for a rock concert or a movie premiere.

Some lists you want to avoid. Megan’s Law and Community Supervision for Life (CSL) are a list of registered sex offenders made public that became New Jersey state law in October 31, 1994, federal law in 1996 and international law in 2016. The time period of 15 years from 1994 only began in 2009, thus removal from Megan’s Law and CSL is still a relatively new statute in New Jersey. As such, the laws for removal are constantly changing and evolving. Thus, it is imperative to hire an experienced criminal attorney who has a proven track record in winning these cases and removing clients from the Megan’s Law Registry.

How To Clear Your Name From Megan’s Law And Community Supervision For Life

Megan’s Law and Community Supervision for life are not a lists anyone wants to be on, and there is a way to have the name of a sex offender cleared.

Section N.J.S.A 2C:7-2(f) of the Megan’s Law statute states: “except as provided in subsection g. of this section, a person required to register under this act may make application to the Superior Court of this State to terminate the obligation upon proof that the person has not committed an offense within 15 years following conviction or release from a correctional facility for any term of imprisonment imposed, whichever is later, and is not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others.”

15 Years Of Good Behavior

Thus, an offender’s name can be removed from Megan’s Law registry and Community Supervision for Life if they can prove that they are no longer a threat to society and that they have been in the community for 15 years without reoffending.

Monmouth County Megan’s Law lawyer Tara Breslow-Testa can file a motion on your behalf before a Superior Court and argue for removal from the Megan’s Law Registry and Community Supervision for Life if the following criteria are met:

  • You have not committed an offense within 15 years following conviction or release from a correctional facility (whichever is later)
  • You are not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others

Attorney Tara Breslow-Testa will recommend a doctor to conduct an evaluation to determine whether the individual is no longer a threat to the community. The Court requires that a doctor evaluate the person seeking removal. She has worked with several doctors throughout New Jersey and can help guide you to find the best doctor for the given situation.

Megan’s Law makes life uncomfortable and exposed for sex offenders, but safer for the public. This is not a good list to have your name attached to, but with 15 years of good behavior and other variables, the New Jersey law office of Megan’s Law attorney Tara Breslow-Testa can ease the transition from ignominy to anonymity - by having your good name removed from Megan’s List.

History- Megan’s Law Enacted: 1994 

Megan’s Law was inspired by the July 29, 1994 rape and murder of seven-year-old Megan Kanka in Hamilton Township, New Jersey. The man who raped and murdered Megan was Jesse Timmendequas, a 33-year-old with two previous convictions for sex crimes against children - he lured Megan into his house, raped her, strangled her with a belt then hid the body. The next day he confessed his crime to the police. Sentenced to death in June of 1997, his sentence was commuted in 2007 and he is now serving life in prison without possibility of parole.

Timmendequas lived across the street from Richard and Maureen Kanka, who had no way of knowing of his prior convictions - information on sex offenders under the 1993 Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act (Jacob Wetterling Act) was for law enforcement officials only, with no public access or alerts.

Public outrage spun the wheels of justice faster than usual. On October 31, 1994 - eighty nine days after Megan Kanka was murdered - New Jersey enacted Megan’s Law, which updated the Jacob Wetterling Act to require sex offender registration on a database maintained by the state, and the presence of sex offenders moving into a neighborhood be made public.

Megan’s Law Goes Federal: 1996 

On May 17, 1996, President Bill Clinton made Megan’s Law a federal law, giving states leeway on the circumstances of alerting the public to the entrance of a convicted sex offender into the community.

Megan’s Law Goes International: 2016  

On February 8, 2016 President Obama signed International Megan's Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders. This law required notifying foreign governments when a United States citizen registered as a sex offender for sexual offense involving a minor would be entering their country. The law required a visual “unique identifier” to be placed on the passports of sex offenders, and required offenders to notify law enforcement 21 days before traveling overseas.

New Jersey Sex Offender Internet Registry 

The New Jersey office of the Attorney General and New Jersey State Police created this page for Frequently Asked Questions about the New Jersey Sex Offender Internet Registry.

Click this link for more information.

Transparency And Discomfort 

Megan’s Law made life transparent and more than a little inconvenient for convicted sex offenders, but safer for families and the public in the United States and around the world.

Being under the confines of Registration, as well as the other requirements of Megan’s Law can be embarrassing and debilitating when seeking employment. Often times, a client suffers tremendously from an act that might have been committed when he or she was under the influence of drugs or alcohol (See: ex-Stanford student Brock Turner) and/or at a time when they suffered personal hardships or other emotional problems. It can be the case that during the 15 years since their crime and conviction the client has completely changed their life and resolved many of the issues that could be attributed to immaturity.

Megan’s Law For Juvenile Offenders 

If an offender was younger than 14 years old when they committed a sexual offense, they can also apply to get off the Megan’s Law database after turning eighteen years old.

In order to have success in getting off the Megan’s Law registry, a sex offender cannot have a conviction for any of the most serious sexual offenses, such as aggravated sexual assault, and cannot have committed multiple offenses.

Better Call Tara Breslow-Testa 

If you think that you are eligible to make this motion to the Court, Ms. Breslow-Testa is prepared to represent you and knows how to be successful in persuading the motion be granted by the court. She has handled these matters before with great success.

As a Megan’s Law lawyer in Monmouth County, Ms. Breslow-Testa has been extremely successful at getting all her clients’ Motions to Be Removed from Megan’s Law and Community Supervision for Life granted in several different counties throughout the State of New Jersey.

If you are filing for removal in Freehold, Toms River, Mercer or New Brunswick and want removal in Ocean, Monmouth, Mercer, Union, or Middlesex Counties, you cannot afford to have your case handled by anyone else.

The Motion And The Process

For each client, Tara Breslow-Testa thoroughly prepares a motion so the client has every benefit when he or she finally gets their chance to transform their life by being removed from Megan’s Law.

Prior to filing any motion, Ms. Breslow-Testa has each client evaluated by a doctor, who through well-recognized clinical testing, is able to evaluate whether or not the person poses a threat to the community. This evaluation is submitted to the Judge along with a brief in support of the application.

The process is very fast and can happen as quickly as one month - once all the documents are collected and all reports are ready. Since eligibility of removal from the Megan’s Law registry has started (1994 plus 15 years = 2009) Tara Breslow-Testa has filed in every county in New Jersey, and has won every case she filed. She was on the forefront of these removals and continues to be an expert in these motions.


The Megan’s Law registry and database is not a list anyone wants to be on. Tara Breslow-Testa is your fast track from ignominy to anonymity.

Client Reviews
"I am thankful I have you as an attorney. After meeting with you I can see your reputation does you no justice to how really awesome you are. I am encouraged and elated. Thanks for being so good at what you do." Mario