Picture of Tara Breslow
“Thanks Tara for always believing in me and making me feel like I was your only client. You made the impossible possible. Forever grateful.”

- Gabriel V.

Megan's Law Attorney in Monmouth County

What Does Megan’s Law Mean and What are the Risks?

Tara Breslow has represented individuals charged with a variety of sex related offenses for more than two decades. These matters require careful and pragmatic review of all the statements and discovery provided. It is essential that a Monmouth County sex crimes lawyer takes the time to analyze all documents provided in order to properly fight the case. Megan’s Law holds tremendous consequences and Ms. Breslow is prepared to stand up to aggressive prosecutors and do all she can to keep your name off the Megan’s Law list. Often times there are weaknesses in the State’s case, which the State cannot overcome.

If you have been charged with a sex related offense, you may be required to register under Megan’s Law upon conviction of said offense.

“Megan’s Law” provides that certain sex offenders must place their names on an internet registry. Based on your classification, the registry grants public access to information regarding you and your past offense. For those registrants receiving the highest classifications, the registry will list their name, address, a description of their past offense and personal details such as birth date, height, weight and hair color. Additionally, for certain crimes where one can be placed on Parole Supervision for Life. This has even higher consequences, including but not limited to; being highly monitored by a parole officer.

Who is Subject to Megan’s Law? 

Paraphrasing New Jersey statutes the persons subject to Megan’s Laws are those who have been convicted, adjudicated delinquent or found not guilty by reason of insanity for commission of sex offenses which includes aggravated sexual assault, endangering the welfare of a child, sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual contact or kidnapping, criminal restraint, false imprisonment, knowingly promoting prostitution of a child, the creation, [exhibition or distribution of a photograph depicting nudity of juveniles through the use of an electronic communications device, an interactive wireless communications device, or a computer (child pornography).

If you are convicted of a Megan’s Law offense, there are many requirements including annual registration with one’s local police department and failing to do so will result with a Third Degree charge (Failure to Register), which can lead to jail time and delay in the removal process. Additionally, there is tiering process after someone is put on Megan’s Law and this will determine whether they will be seen on the internet or not.

Fifteen Year Minimum

Section N.J.S.A 2C:7-2(f) of the Megan’s Law statute states: “a person required to register under this act may make application to the Superior Court of this State to terminate the obligation upon proof that the person has not committed an offense within 15 years following conviction or release from a correctional facility for any term of imprisonment imposed, whichever is later, and is not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others.”

After 15 years, it is possible to have your name Removed from Megan’s Law, but that is expensive and time consuming and it’s better not to get on the list at all. Serving Monmouth, Ocean, Bergen, Middlesex and Essex counties Tara Breslow is an attorney who you want by your side when facing the prospect of being registered as a sex offender for 15 years.

What is the Tiering Process?

If you’ve been convicted of a sex offense, found delinquent or found not guilty by reason of insanity of a sex offense, you must register. You will then be evaluated and classified as low, moderate or high risk of re-offense (Teir I,II or III). Before final classification occurs, New Jersey law entitles you to a hearing.

Tara Breslow has helped numerous individuals throughout New Jersey, including Monmouth County, Ocean County, Middlesex County and Mercer County, not be placed on the registry. She has represented numerous registrants at hearings, arguing for just classifications in order to help maintain privacy and dignity. Additionally, she has facilitated the dismissal of charges, where the particular facts and circumstances warranted such a result. In addition, Ms. Breslow has had tremendous success in obtaining alternative resolutions for several of her clients. If there is a way to avoid Megan’s Law, Ms. Breslow will not rest until she can obtain such result.

How is Megan Law’s Information Used?

Megan’s law was designed to enhance public safety. It is designed to inform and educate the public about sex offenders.

The list is not intended to threaten, intimidate or harass others. Information disclosed on the sex offender registry cannot be used to deny:

  • Health insurance
  • Insurance
  • Loans
  • Credit
  • Education, scholarships, or fellowships;
  • Benefits, privileges, or services provided by any business establishment, unless for a purpose consistent with the enhancement of public safety; or
  • Housing or accommodations.
Make Sure You are Represented by the Best

Megan’s Law and Parole Supervision for Life are lists that no one wants to be on - as they have immediate and lifelong repercussions. If you have been accused of a sex related crime that is covered under Megan’s Law, and facing Parole Supervision for Life, it is imperative that your matter be handled the right way.

For a free consultation, contact Tara Breslow-Testa at (732) 784-2880.

Client Reviews
"I am thankful I have you as an attorney. After meeting with you I can see your reputation does you no justice to how really awesome you are. I am encouraged and elated. Thanks for being so good at what you do." Mario